Şort oluşturmak

Ingredients :
Chicken leg piece- 4
(1) First Marination:
Salt - 1 spoon
Kashmiri Red chili Powder -½ spoon
Ginger Garlic Paste - 1 spoon
Lemon juice - 2 spoons
(2) Second Marination:
Mustard oil - 2 spoons
Red chili Powder - 1/2 spoon
Roasted coriander Powder - ½ spoon
Roasted cumin powder -½ spoon
Black pepper Powder -1/4 spoon
Salt - ½ spoon
Turmeric powder -1/3 spoon
Hung curd-1 cup
For smokey flavour -
Coal- some
Clarified Butters - 1 spoon
vegetable or Mustard oil - 1 spoon
Butter for Brushing
Tandoori Chicken ASMR Cooking #shorts #food #cooking #asmr #indianasmrworld #recipe #chicken #nonveg

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احترم حياة الميااووو🙌🏻❤🐈#shorts