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وإذا البَشائرُ لم تَحِن أوقاتُهاAnd if the omens have not yet come,فَ لِحِكمَةٍ عِندَ الإلهِ تَأخّرتْFor wisdom with God was delayedسَيسوُقُها في حِينِها فاصبر لهَاHe will drive her in time, so be patient with herحَتَّىٰ وإن ضاقتْ عليكَ وأقفَرَتْEven if it narrowed you down and desertedوغَداً سَيجري دمعُ عينِكَ فرحةًAnd tomorrow your eyes will be tears of joyوترىٰ السّحائبَ بالأماني أمطَرَتْAnd you see the clouds with wishes, it rainedوترىٰ ظُروفَ الأمسِ صارتْ بلسَماًAnd you see yesterday's circumstances became a balmوهيَ التي أعيَتكَ حينَ تَعَسَّرتْShe is the one who made you ache when you were in troubleوتقولُ سُبحانَ الذي رَفَع البلاAnd she says, Glory be to Him who raised the scourgeمن بعدِ أنْ فُقِد الرّجاءُ.. تَيَسَّرتْAfter the hope was lost.. it was facilitated
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تشهير الحمقى | الشيخ #صالح_العصيمي