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Very often you may encounter the problem that the window does not close completely, or does not fit tightly. To prevent air from blowing from the window during the cold season, you need to ensure a tighter fit of the window to the window frame. This means that it is necessary to switch the window to winter mode.
To do this, you need to adjust the eccentrics on the window frame, this is not at all difficult, you will need pliers, a spanner wrench, or most likely just a hexagon, depending on the design of your windows. Winter mode for windows will protect your window from freezing and keep your room warm and dry.
#shorts #tips #window #howto #tricks #ideas #lifehack #diy
اسباب وأعراض ضيق القناه العصبية القطنية وخشونة الفقرات
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للمتابعة على صفحة الفيس بوك
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للمتابعة على تويتر
وهدفنا هو الاستمتاع بحياة صحية جيده خالية من الالام
Our goal is to enjoy a good healthy life without pain
هذا المحتوى لغرض التوعية والمعرفة ،ولايغنى عن استشارة الطبيب المختص للتشخيص الصحيح واعطاء العلاج الامثل
This content is for informational purposes,and are not intended to substitute the consultation and right diagnosis