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Welcome to this week's #shorts woodturning video!
Woodturning - Working With Walnut From Start to Finish #shorts
Watch the full video here: https://youtu.be/_jN8p7VN3nE
Thank you for watching. In this video I work with a wood called walnut. Walnut is a lovely wood which never fails to impress with its beautiful grain.
Visit my shop: https://www.henrykeatecarpentry.com
Woodturning is a hobby of mine that I thoroughly enjoy! I often design the piece that I am working on as I am shaping it on the lathe, making the final project design different from the last.
Social Media Stuff:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/henrykeatecarpentry/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HKCarpentry
My videos are for entertainment purposes only. Always read the manufacturer's guidelines and safety instructions when using any tools and equipment. Often I don't use the safest method of doing things, so please be responsible for your own safety.