الفيديوهات القصيرة إنشاء
Welcome to this week's woodworking #shorts video!
Woodworking - Making a Spalted Beech Chopping Board #shorts
Thank you for watching. In this DIY woodworking video I make a chopping board out of a wood called Beech. The particular piece of Beech that I am working with has gone through a process called spalting, which is where the wood has been coloured by fungi. You can see this on the wood in the form of the black lines and patterns across the piece.
Woodworking is a hobby of mine that I thoroughly enjoy! I often design the piece that I am working on as I am woodturning, making the final woodworking project design more unique.
Social Media Stuff:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/henrykeatecarpentry/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HKCarpentry
Tools and equipment used in this video:
Hitachi Corded Circular Saw
Mouse Sander/ Palm Sander
Bosch Router
My videos are for entertainment purposes only. Always read the manufacturer's guidelines and safety instructions when using any tools and equipment. Often I don't use the safest method of doing things, so please be responsible for your own safety.
تخيل ان فيه في جسمك جين لو وقفناه عن العمل ممكن تاكل زي ماتحب من غير ما وزنك يزيد؟
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(أول موقع طبي يحارب الطب الزائف وينشر الطب المبني على الدليل)
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شارك في الكتابة: د.مصطفى محمود السيد
مونتاج: عمر داغر
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