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كيفية الوقف على قوله تعالى : ( نِعْمَتَ اللَّهِ ) الآية 28 في سورة إبراهيم || اقتباس من برنامج تصحيح التلاوة || د. أيمن سويد "حفظه الله تعالى" -----------------------------------------------------------------------------تم تصوير هذه الدورة في المنتدى الإسلامي في الشارقة----------------------------------------------------إعداد : #دار_الغوثاني_للدراسات_القرآنية
يصل إلى مليون ريال دخل الطبيب🤯 تعرّف على طب التجميل عن كثب وتابع الحلقة #بودكاست_بترولي #إذاعة_مختلف
قروب التيلقرام للاسلحة:
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صفحات التواصل الاجتماعي 👇👇:
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اشتراكك واللايك يعني لنا الكثير ❤️
و شكراً على المشاهدة
Educate your children about Islam, Aqeeda, Prayers, and Tahara!
with The Muslim Storyteller Ahmad Kabbara
Reach out to us for more information regarding our weekly sessions
Kindling the passion of young hearts with the radiance of the Quran, gradually incorporating one surah at a time.
Empowering little ones with the profound teachings of the Quran, presented through captivating videos.
Witness the enchantment as little minds engage with the miraculous words of the Quran, showcased in vibrant videos!
Embark on a journey through the Quran with our young learners, taking each step together.
Transforming Quranic learning into a joyous and accessible experience for young minds, offering one surah and one video at a time.
Motivating young hearts to develop love and comprehension of the Quran, experiencing its essence through brief video snippets.
Delivering the splendor of the Quran to children's fingertips, with just one click and one surah.
Entrancing young imaginations with timeless Quranic tales presented in easily digestible videos.
Revealing the treasures of the Quran to inquisitive young minds, through entertaining video content!
Where Quranic education seamlessly combines with playtime, through our vibrant and child-friendly videos!